

Businesses can maintain asphalt parking lots and maintain a steady flow of customers and clients. The curb appeal of a freshly paved or seal-coated parking lot is inviting while keeping people safe.
Preventative Maintenance includes seal coating and line striping. In addition to preventing future pavement damage, these types of maintenance usually extend pavement life by years, if not decades. To maintain the beauty and smoothness of asphalt surfaces, we recommend sealing them every two to three years as a commercial seal coating company. UV rays, snow, rain, and vehicular traffic damage surfaces that have seal coatings.

Restorative Pavement Services - These paving methods aim to rectify mild asphalt damage and restore pavement functionality. Asphalt resurfacing services like chip sealing and overlays create a brand new top layer of the asphalt surface. This layer both fixes minor damage like cracks but also provides a layer of protection. They are best performed on the pavement with a stable base layer.
Preventing on-site accidents is made easier by maintaining asphalt parking areas for customers and employees. In parking lots filled with potholes, cracks, and other damage, people may trip and fall or their vehicles may be damaged. 

Tri-County Asphalt Services
Arkansas Little Rock • Hot Springs
Kansas Wichita • Topeka
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